Friday, May 5, 2017

A Little Cinco De Mayo Flare

I just couldn't resist raiding Asia's closet today for this gorgeous top with a little Spanish flare! Luckily I had a matching beaded necklace and bracelet already. I came thisclose to breaking my no shopping rule at Francesca's today! I am addicted to this store and to make things harder on me they opened a new location less than  four miles from me! I think if I ever go back to work I'll work there. I never imagined going back to retail but I wouldn't think twice about accepting a job there! Of course most of my paycheck would no doubt be spent on clothes and accessories so maybe that wouldn't be the brightest idea.

Why was I tempting the no spending streak you may be wondering. Well, Paul was home from work and I jumped at the opportunity to get a few hours to myself! Francesca's was top of my list of places to spend my "me time". Tassels, pompoms and Spanish inspired clothing are so on point right now I just had to see what they had. A little retail torture for sure so I made sure to only browse a little while so I wouldn't be too tempted. As always they made sure not to disappoint and had some wonderful items. These bright, fun, and irresistible accessories below are just a sample of what they had. Not only would they be perfect for today's Cinco De Mayo holiday but for the entire summer! What better way to spice up your everyday outfits but with a splash of color and a dash of fun?! When my 30 Day Fashion Challenge is up, I for sure will be picking up these beauties! That necklace alone is absolute perfection!
I made it out of the store without buying anything, which is a first for me, headed home to my wonderful hubby and insane children. So happy I got a little time on my own and even more happy that Paul made some amazing tacos for dinner. Now to just get through bath time with these little lunatics of mine. 
Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone!! ❤❤

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